Parents want to prepare everything the best when expecting the baby days. including preparing the bed in the baby. choose a comfortable bed so is important for the health of the baby, because the baby most of the time is spent in bed. Therefore, the necessary preparation in choosing a crib, so baby can sleep comfortably. In addition, when the baby was asleep in comfort, it can also provide a lot for parents.
Besides the convenience factor, the safety factor should also be considered a baby. Many cases of infant suffered injuries from falling out of bed, poisoned by bed materials and a variety of other cases that could pose a danger to infants associated with this crib. Furthermore it should be noted also on whether the baby will sleep with you until the independent?, Or placed in the bed since birth?, Placed in a special room?, But it should be noted on the relationship with other family members (if any) for example with her sister and Other factors that you should consider.
If the Shared Parenting Baby Sleep
Advantages of babies sleep with their parents in a baby mattress is going well monitored and parents can meet the baby's needs quickly. But be careful, too, when parents with asleep lest terdiur terjempit baby or perhaps struck by the hands of parents.
If the baby will sleep with you until fairly independently, then choose a special baby bed without legs that can be placed in the parents bed. Thus, the baby will still feel comfortable at the same time get the warmth from the two parents. Nowadays many choices for baby bedding can be saved in the old mattress from the mattress, the mattress is equipped with a canopied up toys.
Infants and Separated Parents Sleep
Many parents choose a baby is placed in its own separate room with parents. This of course has the advantage that the child will get used standalone early, otherwise parents will be free when sleeping.
Baby room baby monitor in pairs, so that if the baby cries, parents can hear from his room, in addition to baby monitors can also see the condition of the baby was fine. The disadvantage is that older people need respite time to meet the needs of infants, in addition to sudden infant death syndrome (sudden infant death syndrome - SIDS) caused by babies often forget to breathe. Although there are monitors, baby absolute control remains in the hands of the parents and not the monitor.
The best solution so that the baby can be independent from an early age, parents remain freely when sleeping, but it has a good level of security is to keep the baby placed in her own bed, but the bed is still located in the same room of parents. This is a fun and safe solution. But do not forget to clean the room parents of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.
Baby Beds Selection Tips
Some tips that you can do in choosing the crib, so the baby can have a comfortable bed, but also safe.
1. Choose cots where there are no doors or pull the side that can be opened. It'll keep the baby so that later can not open by itself.
2. Choose from stainless cots instead of iron. Iron is feared to have rust, iron rust and course materials harmful to infants salvation. 3. Choose cots with appropriate size with the age of the baby. Do not be too broad, because it will take some indoor rooms and also not too tight as this can make the baby stress.
4. Try to be in bed expansion. This means that cots can change shape in terms of size adjusted to the age of the baby. This is quite important, because the crib that can be in the expansion is one of the characteristics or features of a quality baby bed. Of course it will also save you the cost, because no longer have to buy a baby bed as your baby grows bigger.
5. Choose a crib that has a foot wheeled it helpful for parents gar more easily move the crib, but make sure that the wheels footboard has a strong lock, to prevent cot rolling by itself without the knowledge of parents.
6. Keep the beds have storage to facilitate parents in taking baby supplies, such as extra blankets, diapers, etc.. It is related to the efficiency of you as parents.
7. Choose a crib that can be set to the position of the mat. When the baby was only a few weeks of birth, position mattress can be set higher, but when the baby can sit up, the position of the baby mattress can be lowered, and when the baby can stand, the position of the mattress can be lowered even lower.
8. Choose valance length exceeds rangjang premises or crib, and jepitlah lower valance, it is that the baby is completely protected from mosquitoes.
Grate a safe distance is <6 cm, this is to avoid the baby to avoid wedged in the bars.
9. In the selection of mattresses, use a good quality mattress can also waterproof. But do not choose a mattress that is too soft for SIDS was mengurangsi syndrome, or baby face buried it.
10. Size of baby bedding there should not be interrupted or distance with the crib, it is also to prevent the baby or body parts pinched. So, make sure the mattress size really fit with the size cots.
11. Use a cotton blanket, but do not be too thin nor too thick, it is for the baby to sleep comfortably. Both in terms of cotton baby sweat absorption.
12. Babies really prefers one-way movement. So if you can, choose a crib that can be swung, so the baby can sleep comfortably.
13. Make sure the bolts that connect the cot firmly attached, and check it periodically. It is aga cots avoid off by itself due to baby's activity.
14. Keep baby bed from a power outlet or window blinds. So no cots positioned too close to the window
Good information here. I like that you gave tips on choosing a mattress, this step is just as important as choosing a safe crib. If you want to go with the absolute safest option, an organic crib mattress is the way to go. While the cause of SIDS remains ultimately unknown, harmful chemicals in mattresses have been a speculated cause for many years, and natural mattresses eliminate this possibility, in addition to being better for the environment and overall health of your baby.