* Comfortable Home is a Healthy Home
The house is comfortable, of course healthy place to live and fulfill some of the requirements of the ideal home for the family. To get a comfortable and healthy home, the house must be built to meet the two categories, namely comfortable physiologically and psychologically comfortable.
In terms of physiological health, a comfortable home must meet several requirements, such as being able to provide security, and protect from weather disturbances, beast, or bad weather. So, cozy home would have to have a strong building construction, materials and building materials safe good quality, light and good air circulation, available facilities and infrastructures are adequate, healthy environment, clean, green, and of course safe. While the psychological side of the house would have to be able to provide a sense of security, relaxation, and peace for the residents.
To get a comfortable and healthy and of course a cost-effective, then the two elements had to be met to the fullest. In terms of physiological, we will give you tips on how to select the area of a comfortable, healthy, manage their environment in order to feel comfortable, as well as how to design a cost-efficient healthy homes. In terms of psychological, then we will give you tips to choose the elements that create a comfortable home without a lot of expensive cost.
Elements of Physiological Homely House are not Expensive
- Choosing a Healthy Environment
In terms of location, convenient home course set in a green, healthy, clean, and has an ideal climate and temperature. Therefore, the more natural an environment, usually more then great temperature, air circulation and lighting.
However, due to solid demand and high living for the modern man makes us often overlook the natural environment that used to exist in rural areas, to live in an area close to the working environment, essential public facilities, access to a good education, and others that we often have to choose to make the city a more artificial and materialists.
But, to get a comfortable and healthy home you should try to obtain a better and green environment.
- Tropical climate Profitable
How lucky we can live in tropical countries. The tropical climate only knew two seasons namely dry season and the rainy season. The tropical climate is rich in sunshine and rainfall that are beneficial to health. However, on the other hand moisture held by the tropical climate is high at around 80%. Temperatures can reach 30 degrees. So that required some special tricks to create the ideal climate in your home. The trick is to cultivate among others, the design of the roof, walls, windows, and carefully selecting the right material material to reduce humidity and lower temperatures.
Psychological Elements of Home Comfort Without Expensive Cost
Materials are convenient to use and good for the health of occupants of the house are the following requirements: first, is an insulator, keeping heat and does not conduct heat and secondly, to avoid condensation or what we call the process of condensation.
With these two elements meet the home a comfortable place to live should not be decorated with other expensive ornaments. You can now be more practical to calculate how much money you need to spend for a comfortable yet healthy....
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