Here are some tips on caring for and storing knives in order to always durable, sharp and ease the process of cooking in the kitchen:
1. Wash knives immediately after use for cutting materials containing acid, is due to keep the color of the blade to prevent rapid change.
2. Especially if the knife handle is made of wood, not left in a wet state for too long because the knife handle can easily weathered and loose.
3. Before using a knife after a long kept, clean the blade with a rag in advance to avoid bacterial contamination.
4. After cutting the food ingredients that contain acid, immediately clean the blade so that the color does not quickly change blades quickly and not rusty.
5. In order not quickly dull the blade, the blade dry before storage. Well if it is trying to blunt knife sharpening whetstone or mortar.
6. When sharpening a knife with sharpener stone, try the same direction. For example, if the direction of the next first down should also be pointing down. Because if different direction, it will be a dull knife.
7. If the blade is not used for a long time after being washed and wiped dry, rub with oil, thin, wipe with a tissue and wrap the blade with a papertowel.
8. If you could use a rusty knife ash to remove the rust. Wash thoroughly after cleaning rust. Use the knife as needed and the type of each blade. Instead, avoid using a knife to cut hard objects.
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