Oct 22, 2012

Keurig B60 Special Edition

The Keurig is the best looking, the most durable, has the best heating and pumping mechanism, and has the largest variety of coffees and teas available. The Tassimo's versatility is tempting, but variety of coffees is lacking, the machine is a first-run model that does not feel as quality as the Keurig (I could barely find a piece of metal in the entire thing), and it cannot be set to warm itself up like the Keurig. The Senseo isn't bad and I may even consider getting it as a second machine, but it is kind of lame how you need two pods to brew an 8 oz cup of coffee. Considering the price of pods that I was looking at, it would outprice both the Keurig and the Tassimo for daily usage.

It works not just as a coffee maker, there are also tea K-Cups available and it also can be used to heat water in less than 20 seconds. So if you have a tea bag and just want hot water, there is not need to use a kettle. Ever.

You can buy a filter that allows you to place your own GROUND beans in the machine and make your favorite coffee blend.

It is ridiculously easy to use. No paper filters needed. No grinds in the bottom of the cup. No wasting away of drinking coffee in the morning.

If you're reading this review, you obviously care about what other people think before you spend $100+ on a freaking coffee maker. Don't worry. I was in your shoes. But there is a peace of mind that comes along knowing that you made the right choice. Do as much research as you can and get as many opinions as you can. But just remember that thousands of satisfied Keurig customers can't be wrong.

Want buy please click here..... Keurig B60 Special Edition Brewing System from Amazon

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