Leather couch in great demand because of its elegant and classic, in addition, also included a leather sofa is durable. But if the patient does not maintain, over time the surface of the skin will peel or crack.
Maintaining and cleaning leather sofa is not tricky, because although it includes material that is easily cleaned, the surface of the skin is very vulnerable to the weather and dirt.
Surface smooth leather sofas need to be cleaned regularly, the easiest way is to rub with a damp cloth so that dirt and dust can be lifted.
If the sofa is placed in a rather heated, exposed to direct sunlight or other environmental factors, most of skin needs moisturizer ingredients to avoid the risk of cracked, torn and discolored.
As well as your skin, leather sofas also need treatment - particularly moisturizers that protect from the fierce rays of the sun and air. So once or twice a year, you'll want to take care of leather sofa by washing with soap and sponge holder, moistened with a little warm water.
Do the same thing with a variety of leather goods in your home, from leather handbags to kitchen table. Use a little soap to the sponge foam, enough to clean and moisturize the surface. After the soap dries, rinse the skin with a soft, dry cloth.
Alternatively, you can use liquid soap. Simply pour one or two drops of soap into warm water, then wipe the soapy water using a cloth or sponge. If your sofa is starting to look dull, the surface can be refreshed by using Lexol conditioner.
Avoid cleaning the leather sofa using chemical cleaning agents, especially cleaning materials used to clean the furniture. Use of these chemicals will only make color and surface abrasion leather sofa you have.
Remember, just like your skin, leather sofa is very sensitive. So the cleaning materials that are too hard and contains chemical elements, will make the surface of the skin irritation and abrasion occurs.
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